Have you ever wondered what makes squash sport so much more challenging? Knowing the rules can make you an extraordinary player, whether you are a well-versed player or a beginner. It will also help you to enhance your performance. You might be wondering what these rules are. So, here in this blog, I have come up with the basic squash game rules that every player should know. Read more to know more.

What Is Squash?

Squash is a racket sport played by singles (two players) or doubles (four players) within a four-walled court.

It involves striking a small ball, usually made of rubber and hollow, against the front of the wall. This makes it difficult for the opponent to return the ball before it bounces twice on the floor.

Players turn and hit the ball after it rebounds off the front wall. The game requires unique skills such as agility, quick reflexes, and strategic thinking, making it more physically and mentally demanding.

The history of squash dates back to the 19th century in England. It gained popularity later, with an increased number of players and enthusiasts playing it internationally.

Many people have associated squash with tennis due to its similarity, but there is a huge difference between squash and tennis.

How to Play Squash?

Well, regarding the techniques involved, the squash game is played in the following way.

So, just like all other racket sports, squash is played after a toss or a racket spin, and the winner can choose to serve or receive.

The primary step involves hitting the shot so that your opponent cannot return it, and it bounces. The game begins with the service where the server stands in any one of the service boxes. The ball must hit the front wall above the service line and land opposite the court's back quarter.

Once the serve is given, the player has a chance to hit the ball before it touches the ground. It can alternatively hit the side walls before or after, but it must hit the front wall. Thus, the rally continues until any of the players lose the rally. The players score a point on every rally. However, the point system is based on 11 points, and the players can also fix 9 points for winning after the agreement of both. If both players' scores reach 10-10, a player must win by 2 points.

You can score points by making your opponent miss the ball, hit it out of bounds, or even when the opponent fails to return it before the second bounce. If your opponent obstructs your play, a stroke may be awarded.

You can replay the game if there is an interference in your play known as 'LET'. Try to work more on your agility and reflexes. Make sure to practice enough to make your opponent lose.

Squash Court Measurements

The court measurement is followed by 32 feet in length and 21 feet in width and diagonals with 37 feet and 11 inches. The height of the front wall should be 15 feet from the floor to the outline, 6 feet from the floor to the service line, and 19 inches from the floor to the tin.

The back wall height is 7 feet from the floor to the outline. Dimensions of each service box are 5 feet by 5 feet, and the location of the service box is located in the front wall of the court.

The short line is 16 feet from the front wall that divides the court as front and back. The height of the tin is 19 inches high and is at the all-bottom of the front wall.

Squash Game Rules

The squash game rules are followed by;

  • The fundamental rule of squash, or the aim of the game, is to score more points than your opponent. It is played indoors on a court.

  • The bottom line is tin, and the ball cannot hit it. The court lines are called the area of play, and the ball leaving this area is called out.

  • Squash differs from other racket sports, and the ball differs based on the player's ability.

  • The play begins with a serve, where the player must have at least one foot in the service box. The ball must hit between the service line and outline and land on the opposite corner for a legal score.

  • In squash, the ball is hit on the front wall or can hit any of the walls but is allowed to hit the floor only once. If the bounce rate exceeds, you lose!

  • The main idea is to prevent your opponent from hitting a point and force an error out of your player. You also win when your opponent hits the ball out of the play area.

  • Once you make a shot, get out of the way, or your opponent may award you a point known as a stroke. If you try to get out and you can't, the game is replayed, and you win a point.

  • Once you win a point, you get to serve first, and the process begins from the beginning. A game is won when the player wins 11 points and is 2 points clear of the opponents. For example, if both players win 10-10 points, they keep playing until one scores 2 points.

  • Squash is usually played in the best of five games, and whoever wins three games wins. If you win a rally, you win a point; the new method is the next serve.

  • Also Read: Amazing Benefits of Playing Sports

Frequently Asked Questions about Squash Game Rules

How Many Times Is the Squash Ball Allowed to Bounce on the Floor?

According to the rules, once the squash ball hits the wall, it can bounce only once on the floor. If the ball bounces twice, it is considered out.

What Is the Main Aim of the Squash Ball?

The main aim of the squash ball is to prevent the opponent from hitting the ball black.

How Many Points Are in Squash?

The squash matches are held for three or five games. The person who wins three matches is the winner. The game uses a rally scoring method. 11 points are given, and if both players score 10-10, then anyone should score two more points to win the game.

I hope the guide helped you learn about squash game rules and techniques. Proper rules are necessary to improve your performance, so know them before playing.

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