Tennis is a racket sport with various players and lovers. It has other variants, such as badminton, pickleball, and squash.

All these sports may look similar, but when you figure out and study them keenly, you will learn their differences and similarities.

I have shared the difference between squash and tennis in today's blog. Scroll the blog till the end to know more.

What Is Tennis?

Tennis is a game played either by a single opponent or doubles by two players and their respective opponents. It involves using a racket to hit a ball against the opponent. The player's main aim should be to pass the ball over the net, not allowing the opponent to return the serve. The major benefit of playing tennis is that the player who misses to return the ball will add a point to the opposite player or the opponent.

What Is Squash?

Squash is a newly emerged sport that looks similar to tennis but differs from it. It is also known as squash rackets, which can be played either singles or doubles using a smaller and hollow ball. It is played inside a four-walled court, where the player's main objective is hitting the ball so the opponent cannot return it. Here, the equipment differs from tennis in the playing style, where the players rotate by striking the ball with their rackets on the playable surfaces, i.e., the four walls of the court. The squash game is emerging quite fast.

Origin and History

Tennis is derived from the French word 'tenez', which means to hold, receive or take. Well, when it comes to the origin of the game tennis, it is believed that the game's origin lies back to the 12th century in northern France by Louis X, who was fond of playing the palm game. First, the game was known as the game of the palm and later evolved into a racket sport. During the 18th and 19th, there was a decline in real tennis, and new racket sports emerged in England. After the invention of the land mower in Britain, the need to prepare modern-style grass courts, sporting ovals, playing fields, pitches, and greens came into existence.

The Squash game is said to have originated in London's prison in the 19th century. However, later, the boys at the Harrow School offered more variety to the game with a punctured ball that seemed to get squashed and impacted on the walls. The sport uses a ball made of natural rubber. However, later, the students modified their rackets to have a smaller reach and improved their ability to play in these cramped conditions. In the 20th century, the population of the game increased with the establishment of several courts at schools, clubs, and private individual squashing courts. The first squash court was built at St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire, in 1884.

Squash vs Tennis: What Is the Difference?

Squash and Tennis are distinct racket sports with different rules, equipment, court dimensions, playing styles, and more. Here are some of the major differences between them.


The primary difference between squash and tennis is the equipment used for playing them. In squash, the rackets used for the game are 27 inches, and the ball is smaller and 4cm in diameter, made of rubber, and must have a low bounce, whereas, in tennis, the racket is larger, around 27-29 inches. The ball is larger, around 6.7 cm in diameter, made of rubber, and it must have a higher bounce.


The rules of both squash and tennis are different. In squash, the ball must hit the front wall before the floor on each shot, and it can hit the side or back walls any number of times. The ball must pass over the net and land over the opponent's court in tennis.


The scoring method for both squash and tennis is different. In squash, the server scores the points; rally scoring is also used in some variations. In tennis, the scoring is where the players must win by at least two points if the score reaches deuce 40-40.


The playing styles of both tennis and squash are different. In squash, the rallies are shorter and faster and use walls and varied shot angles and strategies. Whereas in tennis, the rallies can also be longer. Here, the court is in an open format, which requires more players to cover the ground.


The techniques here also vary where the squash uses quick reflexes and agility due to the confined space and the game's fast pace. It focuses more on positioning, endurance, and the speedier ability to make strategic shots off the walls.

In tennis, the major focus is on power and consistency. This requires a combination of baseline rallies and net play, emphasizing the serve-volley and groundstrokes.


The surfaces also differ when it comes to both games. When we talk about squash, it involves wooden surfaces, which are best for playing. In tennis, three types of courts are used: grass, clay, and hard court.

Court Dimension

There are different types of courts used for other sports. In squash, the ideal size of the court is 32 feet long with 21 feet in width, additionally with height (approx) 18.5 feet and diagonals 38.3 feet. In tennis, the ideal size of the court is 78 feet long, with a width of around 27 feet for the singles matches and 36 feet for the doubles matches.

The following differences can be assumed in squash vs tennis games. Looking into this helps you strategically play the game, leading to effective results.

Frequently Asked Questions about Squash vs Tennis

How Is Squash Different from Tennis?

Squash and Tennis look similar but have major differences. One major difference between both is that the squash courts don't have walls but have a four-sided enclosure limited by walls.

Is It Possible to Play Tennis on the Squash Court?

No. Tennis cannot be played in squash courts as the courts are a smaller area. The walls might also act as an obstacle for a swing, which is super different from the court.

How Is a Squash Racket Different from a Tennis Racket?

The squash racket is lighter than the tennis racket and usually has an elongated egg-shaped head, tending more towards an oval shape. The tennis racket is also heavier as the balls used to hit are also heavier.

Hope the guide helps you discover squash vs tennis. To play the game to the fullest, it is necessary to understand the differences and similarities between the two. So learn more and ruin the court with your amazing shots.

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