Football requires a vast number of skills to master it. It may look simpler, but you have to gain control over the ball once you are set to go on the field. Like how a subject requires core knowledge to become professional, there are fundamental skills in football for mastering the game. From shooting the ball to the opponent's court to different types of dribbling, there are many skills to master to improve overall performance.

So, when we talk about the kicks involved in football, there are many to learn. So, let's discuss all those different types of kicks in football to improve your skills further as a player. Explore the blog to know more.

What Are the Two Different Ways to Kick a Ball?

Before moving to the types, I would love to explain how the ball is passed to the opponent. There are two different ways to pass the ball to the opponent.

Ground Pass

Ground Pass is a way to pass the ball to your teammate. In some cases, when force is applied, there is a possibility to goal the ball. It can be used when the ball exists on the ground. A ground kick can be applied to the different football kicks: passes, free kicks, penalty kicks, or goal kicks. The main motto of this key is to deliver the ball to the person desired.


Unlike ground passes, volley-style passes involve hitting the ball in the air. Here, the ball might not necessarily be on the ground. The volley-style kick is implemented when you aim to hit a vital goal against your opponent. You have to strike the ball while it's still in the air.

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What Are the Types of Kicks in Football?

Various types of kicks are used in football to hit the ball on the goal.

Push Kick

The push kick aims to accurately push or pass the ball to your teammate. This technique is used when passing the ball short to medium distances. The inside of your foot is used to have reasonable control over the ball. It is one of the most essential kicks for mastery in football. The focus on this type of kick is mostly accuracy, not power. The kick is significantly easier to learn and young and small players can master it effectively.

Instep Kick

Unlike the push kick, the instep kick is a powerful shot used to hit the ball

using the top of your foot where the shoelaces are located. To do an instant kick, you should approach the ball straight on. This type of kick aims to make long passes because it provides the ball much more and is helpful to win against your opponent. An instep kick is suitable for accurate players who are well-versed in their shots.

Outside Kick

Outside Kick is a type of kicking in football where you use the outside part of your foot to hit the ball. It is a technique of passing the ball with a curve around the defenders or adding a spin to a shot. The type of shot is very skillful, and it helps the opponents stunned by your results.

Back Heel

A back heel is a stylish move or a type of kick used to hit or shoot the ball with the back of your heel. Here, you have to face the direction where you want the ball to go or move on. Later, you can strike or hit the ball. The player uses this shot when he is not facing towards the goal; here, an unexpected shot can be made to create opportunities for your team.

Toe Kick

Toe Kick is another type of shot used in the game where the player uses the tip of your toe to hit the ball. But initially, your coaches might instruct you not to use this trick to prevent any sort of injury to your foot. Once you have mastered this skill, you can trick your opponent into performing well.

Free Kick

A free kick can be defined as an unopposed kick granted to a team when the opposition commits a mistake. It is taken from the exact point where the kick is taken. In addition, it happens when the opponent team breaks the rule. However, there are two types of free kicks: direct and indirect. These kicks are good to score or set up a play.

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Volley Kick

A volley kick is a type of kick used to score a goal quickly. Here, the player is focused on the accuracy and direction of the ball from where it comes, and once he gets a chance, he hits it. Here, the ball is hit before it arrives on the ground, which means the player hits it while traveling in the air.

Frequently Asked Questions about Types of Kicks in Football to Improve Your Skills.

What Does Kicking Require?

Kicking requires an excellent balance to manage your whole body with the foot. You need a good dynamic balance to see that your body can be worked on foot while kicking the ball. You must also learn the accuracy to master this skill.

How Would You Explain the Back Heel Kick?

A back heel kick can shoot the ball with the back of your heel. You flick the ball backward with your heel while facing away in a different direction.

How Is Volleyball Kick Helpful?

Volleykicks are powerful kicks for goalkeepers. In some instances, they have also helped to hit the goal in tight spaces within a short period.

I hope the guide on the different types of kicks in football will help you learn the various dimensions of kicks involved while playing football. Discover multiple techniques and tricks to enable a smoother game-play environment.

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