Pickleball is a newly introduced and emerging fun sport that focuses on acquiring physical benefits. It was later developed into a sport. But later, it was officially introduced as a sport, which was later developed with a structural approach of using courts and playing the game with proper rules and regulations. As the sport is not very prevalent, not everyone knows the pickleball rules and regulations. So, this complete guide will discuss the appropriate pickleball rules and regulations for play.

What Is Pickleball?

Pickleball is an American game that represents tennis. It uses short-handled paddle bats to hit perforated balls across the net. Well, the history of the game is quite interesting. The game began in 1965 at Bainbridge Island, the summer home of Joel Pritchard, a Washington state businessman and politician. He and his two golf mates improved the game, which was earlier played on the rules of tennis. The game was first played with a paddled sport, where two or four players use a smooth-faced paddle to hit a ball over the net across a 34-inch-high, which is short compared to tennis.

The game can be played as an individual and a team sport depending on the players' interests, indoors and outdoors. However initially, the game was played for fun and to stay physically engaged, but it later developed into a sport with a proper set of rules and regulations.

How to Score in Pickleball?

The game is played with eleven points and wins by 2 points. The points can be scored if the opponent commits a fault like hitting the ball out of the net, stepping into the volley zone while volleying the ball, or not clearing the net.

The game continues until and unless either team level points with the two points in the leading. If the score is tied at ten to ten, play continuously until any of the teams achieve two points in the lead. Hence, this is how the points are scored in the pickleball game.

What Are the Benefits of Playing Pickleball?


Pickleball is a fun sport, and along with that, it also helps you to learn coordination between the hand and the eyes. Learning to balance and coordinate will not only help in the game alone but will also improve cognitive function and help your body during the game, allowing your joints to stay flexible and work properly.

Cardiovascular Health

The pickleball game is a better physical workout that helps you stay tuned and activated. During the game, it will support cardiovascular health by having proper blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Mental Health

Yes, playing sports is beneficial for your mental and physical health. The same applies here as well. Pickleball is also a fantastic sport that keeps your mental health at its peak, reduces stress, changes mood swings, and prevents depression.

Social Connections

The pickleball game is a sport meant to improve your social status. You might need a company to play with when you play the game. If you have siblings, it's fine, but if you don't have any, you may need friends. This is where you search for a buddy where your relationship with others improves.

Low Risk

People who play pickleball are less likely to have any sort of risk, usually in any sport. So, no matter if you are a frustrated adult who plays it to relieve yourself from stress or an energetic and active child, anyone can play the sport as the impact and the risk for injury are low.

Weight Management 

So, this is superb news for health freaks and those aiming to lose some kgs! You can lose weight while enjoying the game with no extra effort. For example, visiting a gym might make you stressed as you spend time there with challenging training sessions. Here, the scenario is entirely different, where you have to make no extra effort to look after your weight.

Also Read: Nutrition Tips For Fitness Enthusiasts

What Are Pickleball Rules and Regulations?

The following are the basic rules for the pickleball game, which is necessary to know before playing.

  1. The pickleball is served underhand with your right side and played diagonally across the service court.

  2. The team defending the ball must first let it bounce before it is returned, and vice versa.

  3. The equipment is designed for the game, where a paddle is used to hit the ball, which must contain holes.

  4. The serves are made diagonally, starting from the right-hand service square, where the ball is served underhand without touching the net.

  5. Points are only scored by the serving side.

  6. The game shall be conducted with eleven points, and the leading score to win is two.

  7. The players must keep out of the non-volley zone until and unless the ball bounces.

  8. Once the ball bounces on each side, the volley is allowed.

  9. The game can be played on the singles and the doubles.

  10. Hitting the ball out of bounds, not clearing the net or volleying in the non-volley zone are considered faults.

Also Read: Importance of Sports Training

Frequently Asked Questions about Pickleball Rules and Regulations

What Is Known as the Kitchen in Pickleball?

The non-volley zone is the kitchen in pickleball, where volleying is strictly prohibited.

How Many Countries Play Pickleball?

As per the World Pickleball Federation report, over sixty countries and six continents across the globe play pickleball.

Which Sport Is More Similar to Pickleball?

The pickleball game is more similar to tennis, with some common concepts.

Learning the pickleball rules and regulations helps you compete in a friendly environment, so whether you are playing with your friends or participating in any local tournament, knowing the fundamentals always paves the way for better, enjoyable movement.

Download Turf Town to discover the best playing grounds near you. You can also join a group of people who share your interest in the game. The app is available for both Android and iOS users.

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