A game capturing people's hearts worldwide has its own set of rules and regulations with proper court dimensions. Wondering what?

It's pickleball. One of the emerging games worldwide, pickleball has unique court dimensions. Let's unlock those unique strategies to establish a proper pickleball court. In this guide, let's discuss the pickle court dimensions and the court setup. Read the blog till the end to know more.

What Is a Pickle Ball?

In the previous blog, I shared detailed information about the pickleball game, like when it was invented, who invented it, how it is played, and some of its rules and regulations. You can refer to this brief information if you've not read the blog.

So, the pickleball game is about hitting the ball with a paddled-shaped bat, which is usually short. The ball has several holes, per the game's rules. The game is a combination of table tennis and badminton. The game is played on a court divided into halves by the net. The game aims to hit the ball over the net and land it on the opponent's court.

What Are Pickleball Court Dimensions?

Different pickleball court dimensions enable proper gameplay and enhanced performance.

PickleBall Court Size

The size of the pickleball court is 20 feet wide and 44 feet long, which is around 6.10 and 13.41 metres. However, compared to the tennis court, the pickleball court is quite smaller, making it easier for players to play the game quickly and return shots. 

Service Area 

Serving plays a pivotal role in the game. Two service areas are on both sides of the court, the left and right. The size of the service court is around 10 feet wide and 15 feet long. The service line is critically 2 feet away from the non-volley zone, which aims to span the entire court width.

Non-Volley Zone

The non-volley zone is located on both sides of the net, which is 20 feet wide and 7 feet long. It is an integral part of the game where the players are not allowed to volley the ball. The volley zone is also known as the "Kitchen."

Net Height

The net height is one of the essential parts of the pickleball court dimensions. However, the net height is 36 inches at the sidelines and 34 inches high at the side of the court. Usually, the pickleball's net height is smaller than the tennis court. The court dimensions play a significant role in correctly understanding the game.


The surface is also a critical pickleball court dimension that provides proper gameplay. Different types of surfaces are used in the pickleball court, such as Asphalt (A durable and long-lasting surface that is also an affordable type of court surface) and concrete (These are more durable than Asphalt courts but are pretty expensive).

How Do You Set up Your Pickleball Court?

The following steps give you a proper idea of installing a pickleball court with appropriate dimensions.

  • Start by measuring and marking the boundaries of the court to create a proper court dimension, which will help the players get acquainted later.

  • Once you have finished setting up the markings and the measurement, place a net in the middle of the court with a measurement of 36 inches at the sidelines and 34 inches at the centre.

  • After placing the net, mark a non-volley zone on both sides of the net using a chalk piece to indicate the seven-foot area. Here, the players cannot play volleyball, which is against pickleball rules.

  • At last, gather all the equipment used to play the game, like the paddles and balls. But make sure that the ball should be a pickle ball's ball and not any random ball. The difference between a pickleball and a random ball is that the pickleball contains holes.

  • Start playing with your temporary but systematic and settled court with fun with your friends.

What Are the Different Types of Lines in the Pickleball Court?

Various types of lines are found in the pickleball court, and they are essential in the game to play well with a proper system.


The first is the baseline, which is furthest from the net while facing towards it. It is essential in the game because it allows the players to serve from behind. It is parallel to the net.


The kitchen is another essential area used in the pickleball court. The kitchen is named after the non-volley zone of the court. The pickleball line is defined as the area on each side of the pickleball court that extends 7 feet from the net on both sides.

Centre Line

The Centerline holds another significance in the pickleball court. The line is situated on each side of the net, dividing the court into half. It is essential because the line separates the odd and the even service courts, which helps determine where to serve.

Service Areas

The two box areas used for serving our service areas are located at the intersection of the kitchen line, baseline, centre, and sideline.

Side Lines 

Sidelines also have their significance in the pickleball game. These are the running lines perpendicular to the net, which goes away the length of the court.

Frequently Asked Questions about Pickleball Court Dimensions

How Many Square Feet Should a Pickleball Court Be?

A pickleball court should average around 800-880 sq. ft. However, it depends on the space you want for the out-of-bounds area.

What Is the Difference between the Pickleball Court and the Tennis Court?

When compared to the tennis court, the pickleball court is much smaller. The size of the tennis courts is 60 feet wide and 120 feet long, whereas the pickleball courts are 20 feet wide and 44 feet long.

What Types of Balls Are Used in Pickleball?

The pickleball uses a plastic ball with perforated holes in it.

To conclude, the pickleball court dimensions are essential to consider in establishing a perfect court with a healthy environment and proper rules. In addition, knowing the game setup with accurate measurements can also make the game enjoyable.

Download Turf Town to discover the best playing grounds near you. You can also join a group of people who share your interest in the game. The app is available for both Android and iOS users.

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