Badminton is a strategic game that involves fun and amusement. Playing badminton provides several benefits to your health. However, to master it, it is necessary to excel in the game by applying the proper rules and regulations required for playing. In this blog, we'll delve into some badminton rules and regulations that make you an expert player. To learn more, let's dive into the blog.

How Are the Points Scored in Badminton?

First of all, you need to know that the scoring system in badminton is like whichever team wins the rally first in a serve is provided with the first winning score. And the side that is winning against the next team will get the first serve. The first side, which wins 21 points in the game, wins the match. The badminton matches are the best of three games with a scoring point of 21.

However, in the 20-20 match, any side that wins the two clear points wins the game. When the points reach 29-29, the side that scores the first 30 will be the match winner. The game-winning first serve wins the game.

Also Read: Exercises for Badminton Players

How to Service in Badminton?

Usually, when it comes to badminton, four types of service are offered to the opponent team. They are the back-hand short service, back-hand long service, front-hand short service, and front-hand long service.

Back-hand short service involves hitting the birdie with the badminton in the position where you turn your racket backward and hit it moving forward without taking it backward, as it will be declared as a fault by the umpire. Ensure the body is bending forward by placing one leg on the back and one at the front. Here, the short is hit slowly. In the back-hand short service, you must keep your left leg at the back and your right at the front. Yet, in the back-hand long service, everything implies the same thing, but the service shot is made with force, enabling the cork to travel longer.

In the front-hand short service, the position of the legs will be different. Here, your left leg will be at the front, and the right leg will be at the back. Also, see that you don't drag your leg and lift it completely, as the umpire will declare it a fault. Here, you can hit the birdie without turning your racket with a minimum force to slow the hit. The long forehand shot is made with force to make the birdie reach the opponent's court. Yet, there are also different shots in badminton, like the badminton smash techniques and drop shots in badminton, in which you can try to score more than your opponent.

Badminton Rules and Regulations

You should know some basic badminton rules and regulations before entering the court.

Singles or Doubles

You would be amazed to know that badminton can be played in both singles and doubles. In the single rally match, two players will be there to play with each other, whereas in the double rally match, you can pair up with your friend like the set of cards.


Yeah, just like cricket, even in badminton, the toss is conducted to allow a fair and create an ethical playing environment. A toss is made to derive a conclusion for the team batting first. Either you are playing professional matches like tournaments and the Olympics or informal matches with your family. A toss is necessary to carry on the game smoothly with no hindrances. The first serve is also passed to the team that won in the previous match.

Winning Rules

If you make the birdie hit on the opponent's surface or the lines, congratulations! The point is yours. You also have the chance to win when your opponent hits the birdie on the net if the birdie goes out of the boundary. Even if the player strikes the birdie twice, even there, you have the chance to win.

Picking Side

In badminton, you cannot choose any side by yourself randomly as you wish, and this is one of the basic rules. When your server scores even numbers at the beginning of the game, you should be at the right service court and vice versa.

Also Read: Differences Between Shuttle and Badminton

White Line Out

This is the most vital part of the game. You should look at your feet and your hands, which should not touch the white line, even your rackets shouldn't touch the white line. Therefore, play it and be very careful while playing badminton.


Always be careful of your actions while playing during the game. Your actions have a high influence on your availability in the game. If you miss the rules, there is a chance that you will get knocked out of the game.

Bullying, not abiding by the rules, etc, can push you out of the game and be considered out.

Frequently Asked Questions and Badminton Rules and Regulations

How Many Players Can Play Badminton?

Badminton is played by two opposing players who play the game as singles or the two opposing pairs as doubles.

What Are the Different Categories of Badminton?

The badminton game is divided into different categories based on the players playing the match. The game is categorized as men's singles, men's doubles, mixed doubles, women's singles, and women's doubles.

How Many Touches Are Allowed in Badminton?

As per the rule, each side of the players must strike the shuttlecock only once before it passes the net. Once a hit, the players cannot strike the shuttlecock in a new movement or a shot; it will be declared a fault.

Following these badminton rules and regulations helps the players to continue the game with ease. These guidelines ensure the safety and enjoyment of everyone involved. Whether you are a seasoned player or a gamer, following the rules will help you excel in the game.

Download Turf Town to discover the best playing grounds near you. You can also join a group of people who share your interest in the game. The app is available for both Android and iOS users.

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